Cinderella-proof Your Cleaning

Growing up, I was never a big fan of Cinderella. Don’t get me wrong – I am a Disney girl through-and-through. The singing? Loved it. The romance? Dug it. Gus? Best character in the movie.

Gus-cornGus-Gus is the MAN.

So why didn’t I like Cinderella? I always felt exhausted after I watched it! Seriously. All that chick does is clean for a solid 3/4 of the movie. Bleh. Who wants to watch that crap? Not this girl. Give me a singing mermaid who should be on an episode of Hoarders any day. three pets (!), I feel like this is how my floors look at all times.

Y’know what would’ve made her life easier? My cleaning schedule. Seriously, Cinderella. Get it together.

I basically can’t handle a large amount of cleaning at once. It overwhelms me. I will seriously look at my house, realize how dirty it is, think about cleaning it, and just go sit down on the sofa and watch tv instead of cleaning.  I wish I was kidding… but I’m not.

My solution? A cleaning schedule. I know, it makes me sound totally OCD… but I think we can all agree that I’m not. At all. (Especially if you saw how my house looks right now.)

Confession: Sometimes a schedule  doesn’t work. Gasp! You might have a conflict on a day where you normally scrub your floors. No big deal – add it to another day. I try to save extra stuff for the weekends, so if I skip cleaning the kitchen on Wednesday … I just do it on Saturday. No big deal. For instance – our neighbors brought us a tiny little kitten that they found last week. She is adorable and I maybe spend a lot of time snuggling with her and playing with her. Therefore … the schedule has bitten the dust this past week. My house is a HOT MESS. But I’m okay with it – I’m tackling one cleaning thing a day. No big deal. Not overwhelming.

new kitten lucyThis is Lucy. She has stolen a lot of my time lately. I’m not too upset about it.

I wrote out my cleaning schedule for you. Obviously you’ll want to tailor this to fit your needs. Keep in mind that though my house is teeny-tiny, I have a husband and 3 fur babies that are more than happy to help keep it dirty, so it takes some time to scrub. Using my schedule, I spend no more than 30 minutes a day cleaning.


I dust everything. EVERYTHING. That’s it.


I vacuum all of our floors and I clean the living room.  This is the room we’re in the most so it gets the most unorganized and flat-out messy the fastest.


Kitchen duty! I deep-clean the kitchen, except for the floor. I also mop all of the wood floors in the house (5 rooms and a hallway).


The bathroom. Bleh. My least favorite. I scrub that bad boy down. I also mop all of the tile floors (bathroom and kitchen).


Laundry day! I wash all of our blankets and bed linens.

Super easy. Cinderella, you missed out.

What does your cleaning schedule look like? What works best for your family? I’m eager to hear how you maximize your cleaning time!

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